Bai Jong

Bai Jong

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Talking Hands

Welcome to Gong Sao Jeet Kune Do!
GSJKD is a movement within JKD towards cohesiveness. We are not a new lineage of JKD, but we may have a different approach to what is commonly referred to as OJKD, than you have been exposed to. Gong Sao means Talking Hands, and is a term used to refer to sparring, or testing eachothers skill. That term embodies this movement, because when the hands do the talking, we are all one family in Jeet Kune Do.
We want to promote the torch bearers that got us here, the men and women who preserved JKD for us to train today.

Through experimentation we will develop a standardized sparring rule set, that promotes the development of JKD’s core concepts, principles, strategy, and structure.
We will develop and encourage a discourse, that will define JKD within a modern context.
We will raise the standard of JKD athletes, by serving as an open source for basic JKD training, and a social network for intermediate and advanced training. 

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